In the room of a Japanese style house you are not allowed to wear shoes. Slippers are used inside the house. Since you are not wearing shoes, so you are free to stand, sit and lie there. But when you commune, have a meal or take part in a ceremony in the room, you must sit directly on the tatami. Formal sitting is that you have to fold your legs so that the body rests on your heels. If you are not accustomed to it, probably you feel that it for a long time is painful. If it becomes too painful to tolerate, you may do the relaxed way of sitting. Male persons start with legs out straight and fold them in like triangles. This way is called Agura in Japanese. For females this method is ill mannered to do so. Female persons sit with knees together but with the feet just off to the side. Sleeping in a Japanese style room is very different from the western style bedroom. In Japanese room, they don’t sleep on a bed but on a set of futon. There are two kinds of futon. They are mat to sleep on and a quilt to be covered with. Among the many piece of arts found in a Japanese traditional house, Bonsai is one of them. Bonsai literally means “tray planting”. Bonsai is the art of dwarfing trees or plants by growing and training them in containers according to prescribed techniques. It’s the art of representing the harmony between man and nature in miniature form. Bonsai is originated in China and appeared in Japan in the 10th to 11th centuries. Through various cutting, binding and wiring techniques, the growth of the tree is restricted and its artistic form preserved. Bonsai is a very complex and difficult craft and it’s very popular and famous in Japan and also in abroad.