Since the beginning of this month, I have been sneezing more. I do no want to admit it, but I may have hay fever..

Hay fever is “kafunshou” in Japanese, and is a very popular allergy in Japan.

Every spring you see advertisements for masks, allergy pills, soothing eye-drops, and even laundry detergent that not only removes pollen, but also leaves a coating on your clothes so that it won’t catch pollen.

Japan is advanced in its pollen allergy technology. Yet, thousands of people suffer from the constant sneezing and itching. Some people wear special goggles that keep out pollen from getting into their eyes.

If you have the same allergies, and you are planning to come to Japan during the spring time to enjoy the beautiful blossoms, pack your usual medication. Also, keep in mind that even if many people are wearing masks, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are sick.