
Eco-friendly Traditional Houses in Kyoto

By |March 23rd, 2016|Categories: Area, Traditional Japanese house|

Kyoto is known for its high temperature and humid summers. Today, people use air-conditioning to cool their homes and make it through the hot season of the [...]

Japanese Schools

By |March 21st, 2016|Categories: Japanese Culture|

Schools differ greatly from country and culture, and Japanese schools are no exception. Japanese schools are split into three academic levels; elementary school, junior high school, and [...]

Japanese Architecture, Tokyo Sky Tree & Gojyu-no-Tou

By |March 16th, 2016|Categories: Traditional Japanese house|

The architecture of historical Japanese buildings, including temples, shrines, and residential houses, is pact with centuries worth of knowledge. From finding the most durable materials to figuring [...]

Going to Meiji Shrine

By |March 9th, 2016|Categories: Area, Japanese Culture|

The famous shrine, Meiji Shrine (Meiji Jingu), is located in the heart of Tokyo. Right next to Harajuku station, is the grounds of the shrine. It spreads [...]

A Typical Japanese Winter

By |March 7th, 2016|Categories: Japanese Culture, Traditional Japanese house|

The climate and weather of winter differs across Japan. Depending on the geometry and the latitude of where you are, some prefectures have snow, whereas others are [...]

Living Side-by-Side with Nature: Shirakawa-Go

By |March 2nd, 2016|Categories: Traditional Japanese house|

Shirakawa-Go, a small village in Gifu prefecture, was designated as a World Heritage in 1995 for its beautiful scenery and historical architecture. Its most significant feature is [...]